Yonkers Paddling and Rowing Club Google Group
This Google Group is a forum for sharing news about paddle events, instruction opportunities and equipment for sale. You must subscribe to participate, BUT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER OF YPRC. Click on the link below to request participation. When you subscribe, you can elect to receive all individual messages or a digest once a day that will contain all messages from that day. You do NOT need a Gmail address to join
OFFICIAL NEWS from the board of YPRC— to YPRC members — will come from Constant Contact e-newsletters and announcements, such as this one. News will also be posted on www.yprc.org and on our Facebook page. If you have received an invitation to join this group, be aware that your invitation automatically expires after a week, if it is not accepted. |
TO JOIN THE GOOGLE GROUP go to this link: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/yonkers-paddling-and-rowing-club